Thursday, November 14, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 14 - Thankful that God made this day.

First of all, today is my Grandpa's Birthday, so Happy Birthday Grandpa.  I talked to him this morning and he sounded pretty good.  Wish they didn't live 1200 miles away so I could drop by tonight and say hello!  Grandpa is one of my biggest cheerleaders and always interested in how everyone is doing.  Overall, he just wants to see his family happy and thriving.  He has a solid faith and loves us...couldn't ask for more.  Plus he is still in love with my Grandma.  They have such a beautiful marriage, and I love seeing their example.  Love you Grandpa!  When I called this morning, he said that he got up too quickly in the middle of the night and fell on his butt.  My response was "Better your butt than your head".  It made him laugh.  I love making him laugh.  When we were little, Amy and I would lean over the upstairs balcony and drop balls of socks on his bald head -- it was like a bulls eye.  He is always a great sport.
We were using the Mary Kay fancy hand scrub thingy 

Alex already got a post in November, but Happy Birthday Alex!!  As if I wasn't already super grateful for you, today you proved yet another reason I am grateful.  If you ask Alex how his birthday is going, he will say "Tonya made me work to start off my birthday."  Here is the story....
I got up and decided I would sneak out and go pick up breakfast for Alex for his birthday.  So I bring Spencer and a blanket with me and off to Kolache Factory I go.  It was pretty cold this morning...Spencer was shaking.  I picked up breakfast and got back in my car and the car wouldn't start.  :(  So after trying to find someone in the parking lot and starbucks with jumper cables, I call alex.  Crying like a little baby because I wanted to do something sweet for him and was disappointed it didn't work out my way.  Well, Alex got to get up earlier than usual and come jump my car and then follow me to the mechanic to get it fixed. I love that Alex is always willing to do anything I need...he is so selfless when it comes to my need and for that I am grateful.  

I am also grateful for jumper cables...

and that I brought a blanket for Spencer this morning...because it got really cold in the car and he was shaking.

Happy Thursday!

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"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well."

~Psalm 139:14