Friday, November 15, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 15 - Thankful for W.O.W. Bible Study Ladies!!

One of my greatest blessings is through my Tuesday Night Bible Study.  We have been meeting now for 6 years.  Although the members ebb and flow, we are still going strong!!  We have seen so much together, that when you take a minute to stop and think about all the ways God has used this group of women in  my life, it almost takes your breath away.  There is absolutely NO WAY to capture the unity of this group in words.  The Holy Spirit has united our souls for life.  We have gone through dating, break ups, marriages, divorces, marriage problems, death, trying to get pregnant, getting pregnant, miscarrying, moving, trying this parenting thing out, new jobs, lost jobs....all in six years.  Kind of ridiculous actually.  We have studied prayer, David, releasing strongholds, Jonah, 1 Thessalonians, James, Ruth, 1 Peter, Esther, Listening to the Holy Spirit, The Resolution....I am missing a ton, but my mind has gone blank. 

What an endless blessing!  I love you ladies and am SO thankful for the way you challenge me, support me, encourage me....I love how much we laugh together.  What a unique and random group that God has pieced together.  Thank you for blessing my life!

2012 NYE Partay -- let's see, in this picture, Erika is pregnant, and Kimberly had just announcer her pregnancy to us that night!

Retreat in Galveston -- so many laughs plany Just Dance on the Wii, this was before all the babies!  I will never forget the conversations -- we talked about how many of us were hoping to start a family in the next year.  Melissa had made the comment, "You know at least one of us will have trouble getting pregnant."  Little did we know, she would be one of them and so would I.  

Bible Study Happy Hour -- our husbands all laugh that at 80% of our "studies" wine is involved.  :)  Here we were trying the PB&J Martini.  (no one wanted to pay for a whole one so our waitress gave us all a sample)

Samantha's Baby Shower

Galveston retreat again -- we all accidentally color coordinated

My 30th Birthday Celebration
Mallory was secretly pregnant here and so was I ;)  Secrets are so fun!

Alex's 30th Birthday Celebration!  THIS is why my girls are AWESOME!!!

On a completely separate note, if you are new to my blog, we did lose one of our members 3 years ago on November 3rd.  Mel went on to be with Jesus after battling cancer.  I didn't want to mention our small group without paying a small tribute to Mel since November 3rd was just a couple days ago.  She had a spirit about her that will never be replaced and our bible study has NEVER been the same.  Still miss you Mel.  Your sense of humor STILLL makes me LOL to myself.  Love you sister.

I hope and pray that God blesses you with a group like my WOW bible study.  We were each hand picked for this group and I am SO BLESSED.

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"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well."

~Psalm 139:14