Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bible Study Shout Out

(Part of our Bible Study at the Astros Game)
(CL, Cathy, Breanna, Stacey, me, Erika, Samantha and Munchkin)

I know I have mentioned it before, but I have been SO blessed to be a part of my bible study.  It is the most random group of women that God has specifically placed together.  We all desire to grow in our faith and challenge each other.  Recently, God has revealed to me that on top of having a great group of women to grow with, this group blesses me in a greater way. We truly love each other and go through everything together.  We celebrate together, laugh together and carry each other through the hard times.  So far in the year and a half we have been together we have gone through weddings, big moves, break ups, lost jobs, new jobs and now a pregnancy, among many other things.

Work has been SUPER busy for me and on Tuesday I was feeling really discouraged and severly overwhelmed.  I worked late, so I missed bible study.  They lifted me up with the prayer requests at the end of bible study and from Wednesday to Friday I got at least 8 phone calls/emails/texts/chats encouraging me and praying for me.  I finished the work week on Saturday getting SO MUCH done!!  More than I knew I could get done....

I am so grateful to God for this wonderful group of women and can't wait to continue to grow closer and closer.  I see the heart of the Lord through them every time we are together.  Thank you my wonderful sisters in Christ for supporting and encouraging me.  I wouldn't be the same without you!!  

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"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well."

~Psalm 139:14