Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Hi there. Remember me.

God reminded me this morning to appreciate His blessings - small and big.  One HUGE blessing in my life is my bible study -- my WOW ladies.  We talked last night about different seasons in your faith. I am so grateful to have walked through so many different "season" in life with these amazing women.  This group is one of those blessings that you could have NEVER put together any better and that God continually uses as a source of encouragements, support and challenging me to seek and TRUST God through all of life's ups and downs.  (and trust me, we have seem them all in this group)

Thank you to my WOW ladies for blessing me EVERY TUESDAY!  Love walking through life with you.

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"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well."

~Psalm 139:14