Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ready to have my routine back..

We still don't have power and have been eating out like every meal...and I can feel myself getting antsy for a normal routine where I can eat my lean cuisines and run again. I have been working really hard to lose weight and was doing really well....and after this past weekend, I feel like I am back where I started. I don't know why, but this past weekend Alex and I ate like we would NEVER see food again. We definately could have made better decisions. Why is it when your life feels chaotic, we feel the need to make our eating chaotic as well? Anyways, random thought...I just ate pizza and am feeling full again so I thought I would share. Just got to start back focused, which should be pretty easy to do. We have eaten out SO MUCH that I can't wait to cook chicken and veggies at home again. :)

I am still going to do my 8 mile long run on Friday, but I have a feeling it is going to be tough. With all the carbs and lack of nutrients I have consumed in the last week, it should be an interesting run. I am going to run with my co-worker Servando, so hopefully he will challenge me to push myself.

I hope everyone is starting to get back to normal...we will be there soon enough I am sure.

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"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well."

~Psalm 139:14